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ETUI Monthly Forum - What do we know about digital work?
Discussing the results of ETUI Internet and Platform Work Survey – Brussels, Tuesday, 18 February 2020, 12h30-14h

Introducing the results of the ETUI Internet and Platform Work Survey: Agnieszka Piasna and Jan Drahokoupil, Senior Researchers, ETUI

Research on platform work at Eurofound: Irene Mandl, Head of Employment Unit, Eurofound

Comments: Ignacio Doreste, Advisor ETUC and Justin Nogarede, Digital Policy Adviser, The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS)

Moderator: Philippe Pochet, General Director ETUI

Briefing: Despite the prominence of platform and internet work in current policy and academic debate, there is a lack of reliable data on the extent of the use of the internet to generate income and on the profiles of workers performing such activities. This type of work is difficult to measure, and it has not been included in official labour market statistics. There are estimates of the extent of platform work based on survey data for single country studies, but the comparative studies that inform much of the debate at European level rely on samples with limited reliability and produce very divergent results.

During the meeting, Agnieszka Piasna and Jan Drahokoupil will present results of the recently conducted ETUI Internet and Platform Work Survey. It addresses the gap in empirical evidence by providing representative data on the extent of internet use to generate income in five central and eastern European countries.

Survey findings will be discussed by Irene Mandl who will also present available evidence and resources on internet and platform work produced by the Eurofound.

Venue: ITUH, Bd du Roi Albert II, 5; 1210 Brussels, ETUI meeting room, 7th floor

To register, please click here

A light lunch will be served from 12h in the room.