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In 2020 huldigt Gent zijn grote Vlaamse Meester. De stad laat met het themajaar ‘OMG! Van Eyck was here’ zien dat Van Eyck na zes eeuwen nog steeds zijn stempel op de stad drukt.

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“Nooit meer oorlog”, zo klonk duidelijk de boodschap na het einde van de eerste wereldoorlog. Met dat doel voor ogen startten de politieke leiders van de overwinnaars begin 1919 in Parijs een conferentie die in juni van dat jaar uitmondde in “Het verdrag van Versailles”.

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Op 19 februari 2020 organiseert het Centrum voor Vredesethiek van de KU Leuven in samenwerking met Pax Christi Vlaanderen naar aanleiding van vredesdag een colloquium over de ethische vraagstukken rond oorlogvoering met autonome wapensystemen.

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Free and flexible but no social security: Fair minimum wages in the age of platformization!

Monday, 3rd February 2020, 18:30h , Brussels

AK EUROPA, the Brussels Office of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour and ÖGB Europabüro, the Brussels Office of the Austrian Trade Union Federation would like to cordially invite you to our event:

Monday, 3rd February 2020, 18:30h
Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU
Avenue de Cortenbergh 30 , 1040 Brussels

Yes, I will attend the event

European labour markets are becoming increasingly international and their borders are disappearing, as digital forms of work as well as the flexibilization of working hours and places are on the rise. Experts believe that we are at a historical turning-point at which the balance of power can still be changed in favour of a sustainable model of future digital forms of work. The positive effects of these new forms of work will only outweigh the risks if trade unions collaborate with politicians to make appropriate regulatory adjustments that prevent a development towards the complete loss of social safeguards and labour standards.

Following the publication of the "Social Roadmap", the debate on fair minimum wages in Europe has been at the center of discussion in Brussels over the last few weeks. We therefore want to devote the subsequent panel discussion to the important questions and possibilities of better social security for atypical employment. Is the initiative for fair minimum wages in Europe a first chance for this growing group of workers?


Barbara Teiber, Chairwomen of the Austrian Union of Private Sector Employees, Printing, Journalism, and Paper (GPA - djp)

Santina Bertulessi, Deputy Head of Cabinet to Commissioner Nicolas Schmit

Agnes Jongerius, MEP, S&D Coordinator EMPL - Committee, European Parliament

Maxime Cerutti, Director of the Social Affairs Department at BusinessEurope


Aline Hoffmann, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)

Quinoa initie un programme de formation ouvert à tous-toutes bénévoles désireux-ses de se rendre au Chiapas pour s’engager dans les Brigades Civiles d’Observation (BRICO) coordonnées par notre partenaire FRAYBA, et renouer avec les luttes des communautés indigènes et zapatistes de la région.

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Despite the prominence of platform and internet work in current policy and academic debate, there is a lack of reliable data on the extent of the use of the internet to generate income and on the profiles of workers performing such activities.

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« Ce petit livre, qui propose une liaison vivante entre l’action ouvrière la plus précise, la plus exigeante, et la grande Histoire de l’oppression et de l’émancipation,

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Sinds enige tijd worden we wakker in een ander politiek en maatschappelijk landschap dan we gewend waren. Ons samenlevingsklimaat verhardt en polariseert in een almaar hoger tempo. Grond- en mensenrechten komen op de helling te staan.

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La configuration actuelle de la société pousse les citoyens et les citoyennes à se rassembler autour d’initiatives collectives. La formation permet de mieux comprendre la convergence des luttes et les enjeux actuels de l’engagement. 

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Nous, les membres de l'Organisation Socialiste Internationaliste, section belge de la 4ème internationale, avons le plaisir de vous inviter à une réunion de débats autour d'un premier thème: l'histoire des 4 internationales.

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