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Sinds enkele jaren staan dergelijke akkoorden tussen Europa en de VS (TTIP) Canada (CETA), Latijns – Amerika (Mercosur) en sinds kort China, volop in de belangstelling van de media en van het middenveld dat tegen dergelijke akkoorden ageert.

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"We steunen een streng wetsvoorstel dat internationale bedrijven verantwoordelijk stelt voor de mensenrechtenschendingen en milieuschade in hun toevoerketens, en waardoor slachtoffers hun recht kunnen halen in Europese rechtbanken."

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Tomorrow (4 February) the WTO TRIPS Council is set to discuss patent protections in place for COVID-19 related vaccines and medical supplies. Relaxing rules now could give a much-needed boost to public health efforts to eradicate the virus.

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À Bruxelles, les loyers sont chers et continuent à augmenter. Le Plan d’urgence logement, présenté récemment, montre que la Région bruxelloise refuse de faire face à la montée fulgurante des loyers.

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If Facebook restricts the use of “Zionist” on its platforms, Palestinians will be blocked from describing our daily lives under Israeli apartheid, as well as our families’ histories of dispossession and military occupation.

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Zhang Zhan is 37 years old. She's a ground-breaking citizen journalist and former lawyer. And she's just been jailed by a Chinese court for four years after she became one of the first reporters to document the growing coronavirus pandemic in Wuhan back in February 2020.

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The global COVID-19 pandemic and global economic crash challenge all humanity. Scientific and technological cooperation and global solidarity are desperate needs. Instead, the Trump Administration escalated economic warfare (“sanctions”) against many countries around the globe.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA-14) is a freshman Congresswoman and QAnon sympathizer who has made consistent headlines for her calls for the murder and executions of Democratic Members of Congress.

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Wereldwijd nomineren parlementsleden de Cubaanse internationale medische brigades, het Contingent Henry Reeve, voor de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede. Ook 23 Belgische parlementsleden ondertekenden de nominatie. Onder hen Vlaams Volksvertegenwoordiger Kurt De Loor (sp.a).

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COVID-19 vaccination programmes are currently underway in a number of countries. The accelerated development and approval of several vaccines within a relatively short amount of time has been an unprecedented scientific achievement.

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