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Globalisation and sustainability: An inter-disciplinary conversation in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic

8 oktober — 10 december, UHasselt

The interdisciplinary course Globalisation and Sustainable Development (formerly North-South), consists of a series of lectures and debates by (international) experts on contemporary topics in a variety of domains. These topics are approached from a global relations perspective and focus on 3 concepts: globalisation, sustainability and development.

The lectures make attendants aware of the importance of context, culture, history and experience in knowledge creation and (inter)national development strategies and practices. The course aims to provide a broad, multidisciplinary understanding of contemporary global issues while at once stimulating students’ (self)reflective and respectful attitude towards other cultures. In an ever globalising world, these are important social but also employability skills.

The globalized world has been hit by a global pandemic, where the interdependence between North and South and East and West is immediately apparent. It is difficult to speak of national borders when a virus emerges in China and spreads around the world. Not only the spread of the virus exposes globalization, but also the shortage of mouth masks, components for medicines produced from other countries, the world economy plummeting, the adoption of good or bad practices from other countries affected by COVID-19, research regarding the virus,… There are many examples to cite, one thing is clear: globalization has created a mutual dependence between countries. It is still unclear what the future will bring.

This course is an elective course open for all students. Also external people can join the sessions, free of charge.

All lectures take place at UHasselt Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan, Building D, from 5 — 7 PM.

More info & registration: https://www.uhasselt.be/2020Course-Globalisation-SustainableDevelopment

donderdag, 8 oktober, 2020 - 17:00 tot donderdag, 10 december, 2020 - 19:00

Bron: https://www.mo.be/globalisation-and-sustainability-inter-disciplinary-conversation-light-covid-19-pandemic?utm_campaign=emo&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_source=email