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Journalisten en klokkenluiders zijn overal in gevaar. Ze worden op dit ogenblik even vergeten, maar onze helden inzake nieuwsgaring zijn Bradley Manning, Julian Assange en zijn Wikileaks, en Edward Snowden. Ze hebben immers de misdaden van de Amerikaans-Britse oorlogen aan het licht gebracht; dat betalen ze met levenslange opsluiting. De moordpartij in Parijs mag ons de andere doden niet doen vergeten die dagelijks vallen in Irak, Pakistan, Syrië, Libië, door bombardementen van westerse legers, tijdens de Amerikaanse bezetting, of na de vernietiging van het regeringsgezag van Assad en Khadaffi.

Verschrikkelijke documenten daarover staan o.m. in The Guardian. Het boek “Cultural cleansing in Iraq” (Baker, Ismael & Ismael, 298 blz, Pluto Press 2010) toont aan dat de systematische moorden op journalisten en academici gepland werden door de bezetter. Journalisten waren ook het slachtoffer in de dictaturen van Pinochet en Videla, en in El Salvador, Nicaragua en Guatemala. Al deze oorlogen zijn gevoerd door christelijke naties en meestal gesteund door christelijke gezagsdragers.

The Guardian

- een bloedstollende selectie: http://www.theguardian.com/world/iraq

- de weeskinderen van Bagdad: http://www.theguardian.com/video/page/0,,2038665,00.html

- burgers betalen de prijs van de oorlog: http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2010/oct/22/iraq-war-logs

- dankzij Wikileaks weten we over de tienduizenden doden, de meerderheid burgers: http://www.theguardian.com/world/datablog/interactive/2010/oct/23/wikileaks-iraq-deaths-map

- de martelingen onder Amerikaans en Brits bevel: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/dec/17/uk-links-torture-complicity-involvement-britain-mod

- Amerikaanse drone bombardementen in Pakistan: wie is doelwit en hoeveel méér worden gedood: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/nov/24/-sp-us-drone-strikes-kill-1147

Eerder over de moorden in Irak, in DeWereldMorgen:







Frank Roels (Emeritus UGent) - januari 2015

Toch even wat echo's uit de internationale online nieuwssites om wat extra input te geven aan de discussie: Uit Counterpunch: http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/01/07/what-to-say-when-you-have-nothing-to-say/

Charlie Hebdo was not in reality a model of freedom of speech. It has ended up, like so much of the “human rights left”, defending U.S.-led wars against “dictators”.

In 2002, Philippe Val, who was editor in chief at the time, denounced Noam Chomsky for anti-Americanism and excessive criticism of Israel and of mainstream media. In 2008, another of Charlie Hebdo’s famous cartoonists, Siné, wrote a short note citing a news item that President Sarkozy’s son Jean was going to convert to Judaism to marry the heiress of a prosperous appliance chain. Siné added the comment, “He’ll go far, this lad.” For that, Siné was fired by Philippe Val on grounds of “anti-Semitism”. Siné promptly founded a rival paper which stole a number of Charlie Hebdo readers, revolted by CH’s double standards.

In short, Charlie Hebdo was an extreme example of what is wrong with the “politically correct” line of the current French left. The irony is that the murderous attack by the apparently Islamist killers has suddenly sanctified this fading expression of extended adolescent revolt, which was losing its popular appeal, into the eternal banner of a Free Press and Liberty of Expression. Whatever the murderers intended, this is what they have achieved. Along with taking innocent lives, they have surely deepened the sense of brutal chaos in this world, aggravated distrust between ethnic groups in France and in Europe, and no doubt accomplished other evil results as well.

Tony Cartalucci: "France has been arming, funding, backing, and exploiting armies of terrorists from North Africa to the Middle East as part of NATO's larger bid to use Al Qaeda to overthrow governments and rearrange regions to better align to their hegemonic agenda. Now these same extremists are running rampant in France's own streets - either as a form of blowback, or as a means to manipulate public perception as NATO did with Operation Gladio during the Cold War." http://landdestroyer.blogspot.mx/2015/01/a-timeline-whered-paris-shooters-get.html

Ramzy Baroud: War begets war: It’s not about Islam; it never was. "This is not about Islam. This is about why Islam is the subject of this discussion in the first place, when we should be addressing the real roots of violence" Dit is een schitterend artikel.... http://www.middleeasteye.net/columns/war-begets-war-it-s-not-about-islam-it-never-was-1371920903

Frankrijk en de salafistische terreur – Boontje komt om zijn loontje