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Dear Activist! On the 11th of December the 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement will take place. Therefore FFF International is organizing actions all across the world as well as in Belgium.

5 years ago world leaders agreed on the Paris Agreement. By doing so, they made a promise to the world, to those at the frontlines, and to all future generations: to tackle the climate emergency and limit global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees.
Since then, leaders worldwide have still failed to treat the climate crisis as a crisis. After five years, we understand that there is clearly no point in simply asking our leaders to live up to the promise they made in Paris. It is time for us to make our own promises.

Will you take our future in your own hands and demand world leaders to #FightFor1Point5?

We will form the internationally chosen hashtag, #FightFor1Point5 in candles on the ground. The hashtag will look amazing once formed with candles and will be beautifully captured in pictures and aftermovie! We invite you, as participant and/or organization to take this action to another level and leave a mark of solidarity with bringing your own candle and placing it in the shape of #FightingFor1Point5.

Register below, spread awareness and demand action!

TIME: 16h - 18h

Let’s light a candle, let’s #FightFor1Point5!
Youth For Climate

Source and registration - click here -