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NATONOTWELCOMEDissolution of NATO – for solidarity, sustainability and disarmament

By diverting attention and resources to militarism, NATO will also make it difficult to achieve the urgent Paris Agreement climate targets and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Global solidarity and international cooperation is needed to solve common challenges: the pandemic, the climate emergency, and inequality. With diplomacy, disarmament and sustainable development through a democratised United Nations system, there is no need for this western hemisphere-dominated, anachronistic military alliance. In this webinar we’ll discuss how we can challenge NATO and promote human security.


Özlem Demirel, Germany, MEP, THE LEFT


* For nuclear abolition and common security: Sean Conner, USA/Germany, IPB

* Solidarity and resistance to war: Tamara Lorincz, Canada, Women for Peace

* Transformation for sustainability and peace: NN

* Achieving disarmament: Quique Sanchez, Barcelona, GCOMS

Moderation: Jessica Pardo, Colombia, IPB

Source: https://vrede.be/nl/kalender/dissolution-nato-solidarity-sustainability-and-disarmament