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On September 22, the ITUC is holding the biggest global conversation about our future: the Global Day of Action to Climate and Employment Proof our Work. #CEPOW

We know that jobs and employment are serious concerns for people, that’s why we need to have the conversation with employers about both climate and employment.

Workers around the world have been inviting their employers to share a conversation to discuss the plans for resilience and sustainable business — safety, jobs, emissions, a secure pathway for the future.

Hundreds of workplaces have already taken part in #CEPOW from Bangladesh, Colombia, Finland, Indonesia, Japan, Somalia and New Zealand and had conversations with their employers on how to secure jobs and run sustainable business. And you can too!

Sign up to join the conversation in 2021. Check in on progress from your last meeting with your employer, or ask for your first meeting with your boss.

This year we’ve teamed up with the ITUC’s Global Organising Academy who are holding CEPOW activist training.

Sign up to take part in the activist training.

This training is for you if:

  1. You want to know how to negotiate with your employer on behalf of your workmates.
  2. You’ve never asked your employer for anything before on behalf of yourself and your workmates – and want to know where to start.
  3. You want your employer to do more to stop the dangerous effects of climate change and protect your job and you want to get your workmates to act together.

Wendy Verheyden will host training for Europe/Africa/Americas regions in English Monday 23 August 2021 at 13:00 - 15:00 Brussels.

Registration is essential, sign up for the activist training now and get ready for #CEPOW 2021.