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Event NGEU Aug21 1 a41cbec816e23a689deb00224fcc35bc31 August 2021, 13h-14h Brussels time

As the summer is turning to an end, the ETUI welcomes you to take part in the first live stream of ETUI Conversations.

This session will focus on Next Generation EU and the economic and political imbalances in Europe. Has the EU failed to solve existing asymmetries and structural problems left over from the previous Eurozone crisis? Which countries are the most prone to implementing novel austerity measures after the Covid-19? Is there a correlation between NGEU grants and anti-EU sentiments?


  • Caroline de la Porte (University of Copenhagen),
  • David Natali (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies)
  • Philippe Pochet (ETUI General Director) and
  • Liina Carr (ETUC Confederal Secretary)

Moderator: Bianca Luna Fabris (ETUI)

Twitter hashtag for this event: #ETUIConversations

Register in advance for this webinar here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.