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ETUI-ECF workshop "Social and environmental aspects of national recovery plan", 9/12, 13h-15h


Second workshop of the ECF-ETUI project “Towards a new concept of the welfare state”

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We are at a historical juncture, dominated by the climate and health crisis, when policy decisions need to be made for the decades to come. Soon after the announcement of the visionary European Green Deal (EGD) with its net-zero emissions commitment for 2050 and the corresponding higher climate policy targets for 2030, a “once in a century” pandemic entered the stage followed by an economic crisis unseen since the Great Recession. The European Recovery Plan was launched including to a great extent the priorities of the EGD. The governance structure of these policy initiatives is still not finalised with some instruments such as e.g. the National Energy and Climate Plans, national recovery packages, the European Semester being simultaneously developed. A big number of policy debates are leading the way in matching the ambitious objectives and implementing them at the national, but also at the European level. In order for the recovery to be sustainable it would be crucial that environmental protection and social justice are an integral part of the policies carried out at the national and European level. This hybrid workshop is the second in the framework of the joint project of the European Climate Foundation (ECF) and the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) investigating a new concept of the welfare state. At this occasion, analyses of the social and environmental impact of the national recovery plans and the European level recovery initiative, will be presented and discussed with policy makers. 

13.00 Welcome by Philippe Pochet (ETUI) and Linda Kalcher (ECF) TBC

13.15 The Environment-Labour Nexus as addressed by the project   

  Bela Galgoczi (ETUI)

13.25 How do national recovery plans address environmental and social challenges?

Sotiria Theodoropoulou (ETUI), Mehtap  Akgüç (ETUI)

13.45 The Socio-Ecological Dimension of the EU Recovery

Sebastiano Sabato (OSE), Matteo Mandelli (University of Milan)

14.05 Comments by policy makers - panel discussion

 Iratxe Garcia Perez, Chair of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament TBC and Philippe Lamberts, Co-President, The Greens/European Free Alliance TBC

14.40  Q&A

The event will be organised in a hybrid format. You are welcome to participate on-site (Hotel DoubleTree by Hilton Brussels City: 3 Rue Gineste, 1210 Brussels, near Rogier, at walking distance from the ITUH) or via Zoom. You will receive more information upon registration.

To register, please click here. 

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The ETUI is financially supported by the European Union. ETUI, aisbl 2021 

Koning Albert II Laan 5
Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5
Brussels, 1210